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Create a list of package names and versions based upon vulnerabilities discovered in the OSV database using osv_query.


  rosv_query = NULL, = TRUE,
  sort = TRUE,
  delim = "\t",
  NA_value = NULL



A table of vulnerabilities (created via osv_query()).

Boolean value to determine if a data.frame should be returned.


Boolean value to determine if results should be sorted by name and version.


The deliminator to separate the package and version details (ignored if set to TRUE).


Character value to replace missing versions (typically means all versions impacted).


A data.frame() or vector object containing the package and version details.


Requires an object of type rosv_query created by osv_query. This can be a selection of packages or all vulnerabilities for an ecosystem. Depending on use-case, users may prefer the vector based output with pairs of package names and versions separated by a provided value. Since only name and versions are returned, only one ecosystem can be operated on at a time.

Please note, the default behaviour of osv_query() is to return all packages (and versions) across ecosystems associated with discovered vulnerabilities. If a package is discovered across several vulnerabilities it will be listed multiple times, by default, in the returned content. Unlike osv_query(), create_osv_list() will further sort and return a unique set of packages. In most circumstances, users will create the rosv_query (via osv_query()) with the all_affected parameter set to FALSE so that only the package names of interest are returned.

See also


if (FALSE) { # interactive()

# List of a few PyPI packages in data.frame output
pypi_query <- osv_query(c('dask', 'dash', 'aaiohttp'),
                        ecosystem = rep('PyPI', 3),
                        all_affected = FALSE)
pypi_vul <- create_osv_list(pypi_query)
file_name1 <- file.path(tempdir(), 'pypi_vul.csv')
writeLines(pypi_vul, file_name1)

# All CRAN vulns in vector output
cran_query <- osv_query(ecosystem = 'CRAN', all_affected = FALSE)
cran_vul <- create_osv_list(cran_query, = FALSE, delim = ',')
file_name2 <- file.path(tempdir(), 'cran_vul.csv')
writeLines(cran_vul, file_name2)

# Clean up
try(unlink(c(file_name1, file_name2)))